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Construction Workers at Sunset


Nash Run is approx. 300 sqFt x 16 sqFT of continuous above and below-ground creek/stream system. With water sources from rain, ground, existing stream flow, impervious surfaces, and yard run-off. Nash Creek is a tributary of the Anacostia River.

In Phase 1 of the NCSMA, District Storm Management, in alliance with Deanwood Community Development Association, Deanwood Citizens Association, and Friends of Deanwood recreation, will work with home and commercial property owners with the greatest opportunity to reduce and capture water run-off using avenues for immediate return on investment to increase property values.  These opportunities include voluntarily adding Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce water and sewer costs and assess Nash Creek restoration's feasibility. Stormwater assessments and design will allow for future redevelopment to include habitat restoration, bio-retention, aquatic vegetation installation, rain gardens, installation, wetlands restoration, creek/tributary restoration, and native species reintroduction (plant, insects and animals).

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